Crisis management planning is just one of the necessary preparedness steps that any organization should take, but certainly not an end in itself. Formulating a policy and procedures, and constituting a crisis management team, are essential elements. But the practicalities of handling a crisis of some importance can be challenging to say the least and […]
Crisis Management
Thoughts on Crisis Management Planning: Benefits, Pitfalls, and the Need for a Crisis Management Expert
Crisis management planning is just one of the necessary preparedness steps that any organization should take, but certainly not an end in itself.
Who Handles ‘Crisis Management Consulting’ Best?
Terrorist attacks, high profile kidnappings, extortion, political insurgency are some of the growing risks that companies face in overseas operations. They could affect your organization’s workforce, property and contracts and have a significant impact on business operations and shareholder value.
In Political Crisis Management, Consulting With an Experienced Consulting Partner Is Invaluable
Terrorist attacks, high profile kidnappings, extortion, political insurgency are some of the growing risks that companies face in overseas operations all under the rubric of ‘crisis management.’ They could affect your organisation’s workforce, property and contracts and have a significant impact on business operations and shareholder value. In this article we consider the proper response […]
Crisis Management Consulting: an Opportunity before a Threat
The Chinese character for crisis has to do with both danger and opportunity. This profound observation is so pregnant with meaning, and the Chinese language is so powerful, that this has almost become a quotation in its own right. A crisis is indeed something that is both a danger and an opportunity. However, in much of […]