After an extremely cold winter season, spring is beginning to make an appearance. A fair amount of employees have spent the last four months shoveling cars out of the snow at 5 am to get to work by 8. The cold weather has taken a toll and has probably intensified “cabin fever.”

Many executives could be itching to replace their snow booths with sandals. Savvy business leaders understand that the best way to re-energize a frost-bitten demeanor is a spring business trip. Spring is normally the time of year corporations send their snowbird executives off to conferences and trainings in warm climates.
Planning employee travel safety along with flights and accommodations should be at the top of the list. Why? Because Spring is also the time of year when thieves gear up for the new season too. They see those winter-weary VIP’s coming and have scheduled their own plans. We know their tricks, pre- and post-crime. Instead of risking your executive’s safety our IMG international employee security experts work to keep them out of hot water with a smart employee travel safety plan.
Employee Travel Safety – Don’t Get Burned by Crime on a Sunny Business Trip
Preparing for an overseas trip can include reminders, organizers, itineraries and contact information. If an executive is flying to an educational conference in Spain, their minds may be preoccupied with meetings near sandy beaches instead of petty theft. Yet, even when the town square appears safe, a simple swipe of a passport or company laptop can cause serious problems. It’s smart to include an employee travel safety checklist to help a VIP stay clear of problem spots. IMG’s combined employee security technology can do just that. The FoneTrac travel security app ( can help ensure they don’t wander off into sketchy territory. If a sightseeing employee has made a wrong turn anyway, GlobalSecur is available to provide advice and support. If a VIP does get distracted and taken advantage of, the team can also help recover copies of any important personal documents, such as passports and personal ID.
Popular destinations like Barcelona are Rife with Pickpockets
These criminal “opportunists” have several tactics they use to pilfer wallets and other goodies from unaware tourists. Touching a person to ask for directions or bumping into folks without apologies are cultural norms in areas like Spain. Pickpockets use this to their advantage to lift a watch or swipe a wallet. We know how they distract and steal so we have a list of important employee travel safety tactics to dissuade them. A spring business conference overseas should be a time for winter-weary executives to re-energize. IMG consultants offer an employee travel safety plan allowing a travelling VIP to enjoy the sun-drenched skies in the public market without becoming an easy target.
Photo credit: Nikonphotography D750 via / CC BY-ND