Global commerce has become a normal way of doing business in today’s competitive marketplace. The key to any business is finding a great opportunity and making it work to your advantage. For corporations, opportunity may look like outsourcing materials and labor to benefit a company’s bottom line. Just about anything can be outsourced and transported back to the United States. Products such as beverages, food, furniture, computers and pharmaceuticals are only a few of the items companies outsource to world partners. Of course, criminals are opportunists too and profits gained through outsourcing can quickly vanish when inventory is stolen.
Every year companies lose billions of dollars in supply chain theft. Logistics management must stay aware of inventory pilferage 24/7 as it can happen anywhere along the supply chain. Managers normally hire security guards to help protect company goods in transport. Still, the more times cargo is moved, the more opportunity there is for thieves to steal it. Organized crime in Brazil can target warehouses and distribution centers, for example. Rogue bandits hijack cargo trucks on the way to the docks in Asia. Even poorly vetted overseas employees can steal thousands of dollars in goods. Security guards overseeing the transport of products may not be enough. Companies looking to stop the loss of inventory may consider speaking to an international security consultant on their “supply chain security” to see the bigger picture. Threats can also come from nature in the form of earthquakes or hurricanes.
International Security Consultants Find Weak Links in a Global Supply Chain
A strong supply chain security team is an important element to securing the flow of goods through the global supply chain. Although corporate security is focused on the direct path materials move through, they may be unaware of outside threats evolving in a particular country. The international climate can change quickly. A road in Mexico previously thought to be safe for transporting goods can become dangerous overnight due to rising criminal activity in the region. To ensure a broader perspective inside and around the supply chain, it is wise to meet with an international security consultant. Our international security consultants are world-wide experts in secure logistics solutions and supply chain security consulting.
IMG professionals will evaluate emerging security threats within the supply chain and within the country. IMG can also provide a thorough evaluation of the weakest security spots and who has access along the way. This includes ports, checkpoints, transportation lanes, warehouses, manufacturers and distribution centers. Company security guards have their role and add great value to supply chain safety. International security consultants can offer the overall picture and pinpoint vulnerabilities anywhere on the route to the consumer. If your supply chain is experiencing vulnerabilities and loss of inventory, contact IMG international security consultants for support.