October 31, 2016 – New York, NY. IMG GlobalSecur, a leading executive security consulting firm, is proud to announce that international travel security expert Chris Hagon has been quoted in three important articles on the security issues surrounding the recent Kim Kardashian robbery in Paris, France. Hagon provided his expert insights for a general readership in […]
Archives for October 2016
Making Sense of New Corporate Risks: Contacting a Corporate Risk Assessment Expert
It seems like hardly a day goes by in the 24 hour news cycle without another threat. Terrorism remains always top of mind since 9/11, and recent events whether so-called “lone wolfs” or more planned attacks continue to (unfortunately) keep it top of mind.
Travel Security for VIPs: Notes on the Kim Kardashian Robbery
In the wake of Kim Kardashian’s robbery in Paris, October 3, Chris Hagon was interviewed as an international security expert on issues regarding celebrities or VIPs and executive travel security. Anyone who travels should take security seriously, and famous, wealthy or important people – unfortunately – need to be even more vigilant as their status can […]
Overseas Meeting Security Experts Can Help Create a Safe “Business as Usual” Atmosphere for Conferences Abroad
Since the 9/11 catastrophe, other terrorist tragedies have followed. Recent events in Paris and the shooting at Florida’s Pulse nightclub are reminders that misfortune can happen anywhere in the world at any time.
International Corporate Security Experts, IMG GlobalSecur Announce Analysis of Syria War and Corporate Security Implications
Washington, DC – October 1, 2016. IMG GlobalSecur, a leading international corporate security consulting firm, is proud to announce an important post to its blog on the Syria conflict. With many corporate clients interested in corporate security throughout the Middle East in countries as diverse as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Iraq, the company issues updates on […]