August 1, 2016 – Miami, Florida. IMG GlobalSecur, a leading international security consulting firm, has announced a new blog post and commentary on the recent terrorist attack in Nice, France, that includes international travel security tips. The company provides a roundup of recent discussions on French security before the event, and proceeds to give three important tips for international travelers to bolster their personal security overseas.
“There are two aspects to these problems that one can analyze, namely the government’s security precautions and the behaviors that one can recommend to individuals to increase their own personal safety,” explained Chris Hagon, CEO of IMG GlobalSecur. “This blog post is part of our larger blog efforts to educate the general public, especially those in large corporations that oversee international travel by executives and employees and must worry about security issues.”

To read the post about the security efforts in Nice, France, including recommendations for individuals to increase their security when traveling abroad please Interested parties can also click on the topics on the right such as international security consulting, international travel safety, and executive protection to read other posts on the company’s blog that are timely commentaries on recent events. Indeed, persons are referred to the company’s innovative travel safety app, FoneTrac, which can be found at
International Travel Security Starts with Employees, Executives, and Individuals
It has been noted, for example, in wake of the terrorist events in Turkey and in France, that society is beginning to unfortunately see these types of shootings and disturbances as the new normal. Governments are confounded by the problem of shifting their security efforts against terrorism from so-called hard targets such as airports to so-called soft targets such as math gatherings and nightclubs. All of this is, in some way, an esoteric debate among international security experts. To this and, this important blog post gives commentary on the security efforts that were, unfortunately, insufficient given this recent attack in Nice, France. That said, from the perspective of an individual traveler, including the employees and senior executives of corporations who must travel abroad for business purposes, the most important issue is what can an individual do to safeguard him or herself overseas. The blog post gives three important and actionable behaviors that are recommended for any individual who is traveling overseas and is concerned about security.
About the Incident Management Group (IMG)
Incident Management Group is a leading international security consulting firm. Corporate or business organizations concerned about their need for robust travel security solutions can reach out to the IMG Group for assistance. The company’s experts provide services such as executive, employee, VIP, and expatriate travel security, workplace safety, duty of care management, risk and threat assessments, workplace violence prevention, crisis management planning, and more.
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